Diary of an emigrant

Monday, November 03, 2008

Amazon Pub Quiz

I’ve decided to try to organise a pub quiz here for all the ex-pats (and anyone interested in practising their English). I have a number of candidate bars, and all I need is to drum up enough support to get the thing off the ground. I also hope to persuade a nice kind band to play on the night for free-or-very-little. I also need to come up with some pub quiz questions and a sort of plan as to how it’s going to be done etc. Since my knowledge of pub quizzes is limited to those attended at the SEELB, I will have to draw on this to come up with a model. If anyone has any (sensible) suggestions, or knows of any online resource(s), please let me know!


Anonymous said...

Clive, me oul matie - any amount of googling will bring up pub quiz help sites including one called pubquizhelp (funnily enough). Or if you've nowt better to do theirs a great quiz programme called Eggheads on BBC2 every night. If your in bed - set the VCR to record.
Will email you soon - Pete

Anonymous said...

spot the typo in my last submission - tut tut.

tcm said...

Ha ha. We don't worry about the odd tYop here. Thanks for the tip, and am off to pubquizhelp to have a look.